Sustainable development is our passion. Gender & climate investing is our expertise.

Current Programs

Daraja Impact

Daraja Impact is a 5-year project in Tanzania that seeks to support enterprises through the provision of capital and technical assistance to advance economic inclusion and empowerment for women and youth. Daraja Impact (or the “project”) is funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (“SDC”) and is implemented by Small Enterprise Assistance Funds (or “SEAF”) (the Prime Contractor) in partnership with AlphaMundi Foundation (or “AMF”) (the Subcontractor).

Through this partnership, AMF manages the investment vehicle to support SMEs that have the potential for or are already generating positive impact for women and youth.

This work is executed through a comprehensive approach, which includes:

  • Providing capital through well-structured, flexible and impact-linked financial instruments to catalyze private sector funding.

  • Providing business support services that include investment readiness and impact management training.

  • Offering targeted post-investment technical assistance to investees.

US/Japan Climate-Gender Innovation Collective for Africa

With support from the United States-Japan Foundation, this program matches American and Japanese mentors with high impact, high potential SMEs that are tackling climate and gender challenges in Africa to scale their businesses and social/environmental impact. We have selected Kenya as a pilot country.

Past Programs

Previous Programs

Water and Energy for Food (WE4F)

Funded by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), WE4F aims to scale water-energy-food innovations in emerging markets, with the overall intention to impact gender, food security, and poverty reduction in an environmentally-sustainable way. For this program, AMF provided customized TA to build the capacity of SMEs working in water, energy, food and agriculture sectors. Partner SMEs include Redavia, Sunculture, Olivado, Asili farms, Amped Innovation, and GOT IT.

Powering Agriculture

In April 2018, AMF joined the Powering Agriculture Investment Alliance (known as ‘The Alliance’). The Alliance was formed to catalyze private sector financing for clean energy solutions that increase agriculture productivity and value in emerging economies.

In partnership with Value for Women and the William Davidson Institute, the Foundation deployed 3 M USD in grant funding from USAID (and co-funders including Sida, GIZ, Duke Energy, and OPIC) to help build investment capacity in target companies, with the goal of catalyzing 15 M+ USD in private investment over five years.

INVEST Gender TA Program

With support from USAID's Office of Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment Hub and USAID INVEST, AMF partnered with Value for Women to support targeted companies to carry out women's economic empowerment activities and improve their business performance. This entailed AMF and Value for Women providing business-first, gender-smart TA to a subset of the AlphaMundi Group portfolio of investees in Latin America and East Africa.

Gender Smart Enterprise Assistance Research Coalition (G-SEARCh)

G-SEARCh comprises a group of six like-minded impact investors committed to investing with a gender lens. Consortium members include Acumen, AlphaMundi, SEAF, Root Capital, AHL Venture Partners, and Shell Foundation. Consortium members support their respective portfolio companies and priority pipeline companies with grant capital to integrate gender considerations across their business models. Value for Women and William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan (WDI) are strategic partners in the consortium. The overall project goal is to demonstrate the business case for incorporating gender-smart interventions across early-growth stage SMEs in emerging markets.


Funded by Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft (DEG) and with our partner Value for Women (VfW), this program supported organizations to implement gender-smart interventions, with the goals of supporting company priorities and improving business and social outcomes. Strategies include both those that are externally-focused on customers and suppliers, and internally-focused on workplace equity. Partner SMEs include: Asili Farms, Moko, Mr Green Africa, Olivado, Redavia, and Twiga Foods. 

Organic Fertilizer (WE4F)

Funded by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), this program supported SMEs in Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda to scale the production of organic fertilizers, raise awareness and training amongst smallholder farmers, and provide relevant support services, such as soil testing. Partner SMEs include InsectiPro, Safi Organics, Agrisol Africa, Chanzi, AgriCentric Ventures, Sabon Sake, LONO and BioProtect.