The Latest GLIC News
Opinion: Investing in women is a profitable solution to climate change
Posted January 30, 2023 by Devex
“As we look back on global progress on climate action in 2022, one thing is clear: the 27th United Nations Climate Change Conference was a disappointment on many fronts, not least when it comes to the voice of women in the climate debate. . .This imbalance can only be detrimental to the efforts to tackle climate change — particularly since women and girls are disproportionately affected by the consequences of the climate crisis. Addressing it starts with driving forward a solid gender-smart climate finance agenda.”
New guidance for investors to ensure climate financing supports gender equality
Posted January 25, 2023 by Aviva
“The Women in Finance Climate Action Group has developed a framework to help financial institutions support women in the net zero transition and limit the negative impact of climate change on women. This is the first framework designed specifically for private investors and the key role they play in financing net zero. The Group argues that whilst climate change disproportionately impacts women, women remain seriously under-represented in climate policy, climate decision-making and climate finance.”
Gender lens investing for climate strategies: Action framework unveiled
Posted January 25, 2023 by ESG Clarity
“‘Women make up 80% of people displaced by climate change and are 14 times more likely to die or be injured in a natural disaster than men. While they are often the victims of climate change, they are also critical stakeholders in designing and implementing solutions. Studies have found that increased representation of women in parliament correlates with reduced C02 emissions through more stringent climate change policies’. . .“The Women in Finance Climate Action Group (WFCAG) has created a framework to integrate a gender lens into climate investing.”
Why women need to be at the forefront of the fight against climate change
Posted January 18, 2023 by India Today
“Efforts are being coordinated at multiple levels (globally, nationally and locally) in an attempt to limit global warming to below 2 degrees Celsius, (preferably to 1.5) compared to pre-industrial levels as per the Paris Agreement. [Yet] it’s clear that there is one segment of the population that is being both overlooked and underutilised in this fight. What’s concerning is that this demographic could be the key to helping us win this battle. And that is women.”
Being serious about WEE requires funders to be serious about transparency
Posted: January 13 2023 by ReliefWeb
“The political support for investing in women’s economic empowerment (WEE) has never been higher. . .The critical question, though, is whether the political rhetoric is matched by effective, catalytic investments that are significantly advancing women and girls’ equality and giving them the meaningful ability to participate in, and benefit from, economic opportunities and prosperity?”
IFC and PBC Join Forces to Boost Participation of Women Employees in Addressing Climate Change
Posted January 10, 2023 by IFC
“The Climate2Equal initiative, launched today in Karachi, will establish a peer learning platform bringing together more than 90 Pakistani companies from the sectors hardest hit by climate change, including textiles, manufacturing, telecommunications, e-commerce, and logistics. The aim is to support these companies in implementing gender-responsive climate action plans.”
Gender inequality and climate change are not separate challenges
Posted January 10, 2023 by Economist Impact
“Climate impacts are reversing gains in gender equality. Women and girls are disproportionately impacted by the climate crisis, which amplifies existing inequalities and builds on societal expectations related to gender roles. They face greater hurdles to climate adaptation, significant economic repercussions, increased unpaid care and domestic work, and a higher risk of violence due to the crisis’s compounding impacts.”
Financial boardrooms across Europe accelerate female and sustainability appointments
Posted January 9, 2023 by Ernst & Young
“Europe’s largest financial services firms are taking proactive steps to increase female representation and enhance their sustainability expertise at boardroom level – both identified as priority areas for investors – according to the latest EY European Financial Services Boardroom Monitor, which charts the profile, experience, training and skillsets of board directors in the MSCI European Financials Index.”
USAID Advances Women’s Economic Security through the Gender Equity and Equality Action Fund
Posted January 4, 2023 by USAID
“Today, Administrator Samantha Power announced the roll out of the Gender Equity and Equality Action (GEEA) Fund during the launch of the U.S. Strategy on Global Women’s Economic Security. . .By doubling its investments in gender equality in FY 2023, USAID will expand its programming on women’s economic security – from increasing their access to well-paying, quality jobs to strengthening the care economy and promoting entrepreneurship.”

Gender Lens Investing Likely to Gain Momentum This Year
Posted January 13, 2023 by ETFDB
“Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing is rapidly evolving and much of that evolution includes an increased emphasis on social and governance issues. . .EQUL debuted in October 2021 and the fund supports the issuer’s contributions to the Girls Who Code. With the gender equality theme gaining momentum and more data and studies supporting the notion that companies that embrace gender diversification do right by investors, EQUL could be ready to step into the limelight in 2023.”
Press Release: The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Advances Women’s Economic Security Through the Gender Equity and Equality Action Fund
Posted January 5, 2023 by Next Billion
“Today, Administrator Samantha Power announced the roll out of the Gender Equity and Equality Action (GEEA) Fund during the launch of the U.S. Strategy on Global Women’s Economic Security. As USAID advances the U.S. Strategy on Global Women’s Economic Security, the Agency will strive to increase incomes and opportunities for women, recognizing that this benefits entire communities, economies, and countries.”
Transparent gender data paves way for reaping gender-driven results, advocates say
Posted January 26, 2023 by InvestmentNews
“More women, more money. That much is clear. But what women count, and how does the counting happen? That’s not clear, at all. Advocates and investors pushing for gender representation in corporate leadership are pressing harder for transparency related to the presence of women at key levels. After all, you can’t garner the results of companies with significant proportions of women in leadership if you can’t be sure of what positions women hold. New tools and reporting mechanisms are emerging, even as advocates ratchet up pressure for regulatory action.”
Amplifica Capital ‘wants to be the fund that LatAm’s female tech founders reach out to first’
Posted January 17, 2023 by TechCrunch
“Amplifica invests mainly in teams where there are female founders or co-founders or goods and services focused on women. . .Amplifica has invested in 10 companies so far, including inter-city mobility services startup Kolors, Verqor, focused on agricultural financing for inputs, and Mujer Financiera, an Argentine company providing tools for financial inclusion for women.”
Women’s health: rethinking the cost as an investment for societal gain
Posted January 20 2023 by World Economic Forum
“When it comes to the health and wellbeing of women, we are at a critical juncture. The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a devastating backsliding on women’s health – and without increased investment, we won’t be able to take back the losses inflicted by the pandemic and regain progress against the SDGs. This was recognized in a main session at the World Economic Forum earlier this week.”
Impact of Climate Change on Women: Creating a Gendered Lens in Climate Planning
Posted January 17, 2023 by The Quint
“Over the past two decades, India has seen an average increase in temperature of 0.7°C. Several states have witnessed erratic rainfall, longer drought spells, and severe heat waves. Climate change has disproportionately impacted women due to their social and economic status, limited access to resources and negligible standing in the decision-making processes, and restricted mobility in times of crisis.”
Guatemala’s Western Highlands: Addressing Gendered Vulnerability to Climate Change
Posted January 17, 2023 by New Security Beat
“The Population Institute’s recent report, Invisible Threads: Addressing the root causes of migration from Guatemala by investing in women and girls, has brought attention to the numerous factors that drive migration in Guatemala. One of the key factors addressed in the report is climate change, which is linked closely to issues concerning land in that country. To this day, multiple generations of indigenous women endure the effects of land displacement and inequities in access to land—as well as related social and economic pressures.”
Mainstreaming gender in climate action in the Arab region
Posted January 16, 2023 by ReliefWeb
“As extreme weather events increase in severity and frequency worldwide, climate change is a daily occurrence with real life consequences. For women in the Arab region, water scarcity, food insecurity and conflict, coupled with environmental degradation, resource scarcity and forced migration, further complicate the struggle to survive and compound the risk for increased inequality and violence. However, while women in the region play an important role in climate change responses and increasing climate resilience, their participation remains underrepresented in global and regional climate negotiations, and their solutions are drastically under-resourced.”
Addressing the Climate Crisis through Gender Equality
Posted January 25, 2023 by Rising Kashmir
“Extreme climate change occurrences that endanger the lives and livelihoods of women include floods, infectious diseases, droughts, and water scarcity. Women are more likelyto experience the severe impact of climate change events as they constitute 70% of the 1.3 billion poor population globally. A significant proportion of women belonging to the poor section of our society are heavily dependent on climate-sensitive sectors for their livelihood and subsistence. This is especially true in rural areas where women primarily acquire water, fuel wood, and engage themselves in various agricultural and horticultural activities.”